I've been working hard at working hard. I set some goals, namely to write a minimum of 5 pages a day and to read a minimum of 5 pages a day. Most days I exceed this by a bit and every once in a while I don't get much of anything done. When I get an idea I usually write until I have it finished. If I haven't missed anything it looks like I have written 6 flash fictions, 5 non-fictions, 5 children's stories, 17 short stories and am working on 1 sci-fi novel.
One of the children's stories I wrote is at a friends who is an artist. She is working on the illustrations to go with it and together we will try to get it published. I have sent over a half dozen stories off either to publishers or to contests. So far I have had one rejection on a children's story I wrote with Highlights Magazine in mind. I wrote it from my Chihuahua's point of view. I thought it was rather clever. I did have one of my little flash fiction stories win a little contest in fanstory.com. That was my first win. Yeah!
I plan to just keep writing. Even if I never get published, I love the process of writing. It is truly exhilarating. If I can learn enough about it, I might try self-publishing and e-books. From what I've read on the web-sites of such people as Amanda Hocking and others, it really seems like the way to go. She has recently made quite a bit selling e-books. I bought one of hers at a whopping 99 cents. It was extremely good. It was written for young adults (YA), so I guess that makes me a young adult. It could happen ... I'm only 61. Turn it around and I'm a mere child. The ladies in my water aerobics class think I'm a mere child. Of course most of them are in their 80's.
I'll try to keep everyone posted. I go into FB at least once a week to post my current status and now I've started tweeting. Love you all and God bless.
Here's a bit of an update. 9/30/2013 Wow! Time has really passed. I've had a lull in my writing and it was good to go in and re-read the goals that I set. I haven't met these goals much lately but I can always start over again. I know that God has given me a gift to write. I wonder about some of the strange things I write. Anyway, God made me uniquely who I am. I've written a new story, extra strange one for me and with some sex and language I don't normally use. I have it posted for one week only. Enjoy.
WELCOME TO THE REALM OF STRANGE FICTION I began writing fiction when I was still in elementary school -- but I never saved a thing. During lunch and recess all my friends would gather around to listen to the most recent offerings from my twisted mind. Now I share my twisted mind with you. I hope that you all enjoy, and come back for more. I welcome your comments at the end of each story. These comments could serve to help me to improve my writing. PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS. THANKS.